Leave your ego at home.

You deserve it. You’ve earned this. Why not reward yourself?

Who says you deserve it?

Notice how often we are told we DESERVE something?  It is a consistent theme in advertising, one that applies to anything and everything.  A pizza box told me I “deserved the best pizza delivery.”  A clothing store ad said I “deserve clothes that fit.”  A jewelry store suggested I “treat myself” to fine gold jewelry.  Telling us that we DESERVE something is a tried-and-true way to make a sale.

Why is this a proven strategy?  It works because it strokes our ego.  We WANT to believe it.  We BEGIN to believe it.  “I DO deserve it!”  Suddenly, we want to buy the thing we have been told we deserve—whether we can afford it or not.  It is in times like these the spirit of self-discipline comes in handy.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. ~2 Timothy 1:7

Debt is bondage.

Credit card companies are counting on our lack of self-discipline.  They pour a LOT of revenue into advertising each year, knowing they will get a return on their investment.  For example, Capital One spent $219 MILLLION in advertising in 2020 (source:  statista.com).  In 2022, ad spending totaled $197.8 BILLION.  Is it so hard to believe that in the same year, credit card debt was $930.6 BILLION?  There is a direct correlation between financial debt bondage and marketing. 

This.  Is.  Spiritual.  Warfare.

What steps can you take to avoid falling prey to these sales strategies?  How can you avoid financial bondage?  Learn to recognize marketing subtleties that lead to debt bondage.  Learn the questions to ask BEFORE making impactful financial decisions.  Learn to leave your ego at home when it comes to money matters.  These steps will enhance your financial discernment, and the financial liberty you seek will be attainable.

With God is freedom.

If you feel weak and need encouragement, remember John 10:10 KJV:  “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy:  I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

With God is freedom.  With the enemy is bondage.