WorkPlace Stewardship

If you’re looking for impactful, yet cost-effective and creative ways to expand your supplemental benefits package, consider adding the WorkPlace Stewardship program to your suite of supplemental benefits.

The WorkPlace Stewardship program is a financial coaching system uniquely created to address the financial wellness needs of employees while allowing employers the ability to offer a supplemental benefit that will have an immediate and positive impact on the workforce.

The financial health and well-being of your employees is worth the investment.  Schedule a consultation to discuss how the WorkPlace Stewardship program can help you retain and attract quality employees.

WorkPlace Stewardship Workshops

We offer three 45-minute WorkPlace Stewardship workshops:  Credit Wise, Budgeting 101 and Building Wealth.  Each workshop can be presented as a stand-alone, or you can opt to bundle all three workshops to maximize learning.

Most employees want to know more about how to get approved for loans, how to improve their credit scores and how to avoid high-interest rate, predatory loans.  This workshop addresses these topics, and more.

This workshop takes the mystery out of the budgeting process.  Employees will learn simple ways to track their spending, easy steps to creating a budget and where to find free resources.

Employees want to know how to save money and build wealth through healthy investing.  This workshop gives an introduction to saving and investing, why diversification is important, and more.

Measurable Program Benefits

Employee Benefits

Employees are stressed out by money.  A recent survey found that  90% of employees are negatively impacted by inflation, and 45% don’t have a financial plan in place. 

How does this stress impact their job performance and the work environment?

Your employees will benefit from participating in our financial wellness program that emphasizes:

  • Budgeting to reduce the likelihood of living paycheck to paycheck.
  • Financial goal-setting and equipping with the tools to stay on track for a lifetime.
  • Trading excessive debt for wealth-building opportunties.

Employer Benefits

Are you one of the 93% of employers concerned about employee retention? According to the national average, the cost of hiring is more than $4,000, and roughly 33% of new hires quit their jobs within the first 90 days.

As a business owner, how do those statistics affect your bottom line?

Offering the WorkPlace Stewardship program in your business will result in positive outcomes in the office, like:

  • Increased employee performance and productivity 
  • Greater employee job satisfaction and engagement
  • Improved retention leading to reduction in cost outlay for expenses related to attracting, hiring and training new employees.